Soft Science Projects

Letters of Recommendation


A long-term personal project (my blog) for practicing end to end web development.

Built on Flask (python) with Jinja2 templates and a Postgres database. Custom CSS and JS.

Hosted on a DigitalOcean droplet.


Github Back-end | Github Front-end

An artwork-searching app with functionality to create exhibitions, save artworks and follow other users. See a video of my walk-through of the app's functionality.

Features a Rails API backend with custom routes. Postgres database seeded by scraping Harvard Art Museum API, originally, and then Artsy's public API. Images were then analysed by Google Vision API. Local database originally scraped over 2000 artworks.

Front-end built with React, including nested routes, search functionality and front-end validation. Custom CSS for styling.

Mood Board

Github Back-end | Github Front-end

Pair-programmed webapp where user-submitted entries are analysed for emotion and assigned a colour based on their score. Watch a video walk-through explaining how the app is used.

Created with a Rails API backend and Postgres database making post requests to the Parallel Dots API.

Interactive front-end built with React and styled with Semantic UI.

Advice Slip Generator

A one-page app designed to give a random piece of advice, from the Advice Slip JSON API. Originally built for my blog (a Medium article) as an explanation for how to use JavaScript fetch.

Better Than Telly


Pair-programmed webapp built with Rails, HTML and custom CSS.

Postgres database and CRUD functionality.